Booklet, 2022, stoertebeker
Published 2022
by Forum Stadtpark
Text: Klaus Stoertebeker
Research: Clara Wildberger, Isabella Auer, Lain Iwakura, Victoria Fux
Design: F. M. Trollmann
Printing: Risograd Graz
11x18cm, 23 pages, softcover, 70 copies
ISBN: 978-3-901109-83-6
In a casino, a rich son celebrates the futility of his existence as an heir by acting out his father complex on the hapless CEO of an IT start-up. The supposedly lucky guys at the bar quickly turn out to be hard-hitting feminists and instead of the hoped-for windfall only bring bitter realizations and painful insights.
Rien ne va plus! Nothing works anymore!
stoertebeker walks and writes in Graz. Anchored in various subcultural contexts, he likes to exaggerate contradictions - as an inclined observer - into curiously sentimental stories. Together with Julia Knaß he organizes the independent reading series "zusammen lesen" in Graz.