Forum Stadtpark: interdisciplinary artistic experiments since 1959

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Who we are

The FORUM STADTPARK is a production and presentation space for contemporary art in all its forms, organized by an independent association in Graz.

The FORUM STADTPARK can be an exhibition space, a concert hall, a space for discussion, a theatre, a music club, a cinema, a lecture hall, a gesamtkunstwerk. For over sixty years, it has dedicated itself to be an artistic experiment, and has been the birth place for much that has shaped cultural life both in Styria and in Austria to this day.

Since the very beginning, FORUM STADTPARK has understood contemporary art as something that does not (only) focus inwards. It takes its energy from dealing with societal questions and taking a stance. According to its statutes, FORUM STADTPARK aims at standing up to every instance of constraint on the freedom of intellectual and artistic life with appropriate measures.

Program and Structure

Currently the program of the FORUM STADTPARK contains the sections architecture, fine art, social politics, photography, literature, music, and performance. The various people responsible in those sections are elected by the association for a maximal timespan of eight years and are given a certain budget in order to carry out the intended program. Within the so-called "program forum" the program is coordinated and interdisciplinary projects are worked on.

The FORUM STADTPARK is run by a board elected by the association. Besides those responsible for the program, who all work on a royalty basis, there is a team of employed people in the offices, the technical department, cleanup, a.o as well as many others working in a minimal employment capacity or as freelancers. All in all there are more than 40 people regularly at work here.

Apart from its own productions organized in-house, the FORUM STADTPARK also welcomes a number of outside productions in its space. The bulk part of the program is represented by the many cooperations with various local and regional initiatives.

Self-Understanding and Scale

The FORUM STADTPARK understands itself as an open house that intends to offer everyone access to art and culture. Thus most of our productions take place with free admission. We are working hard to create an inviting and respectful space, and are trying to dismantle barriers.

As a collective representing the interests and creating actions by and for artists and intellectual labourers, the FORUM STADTPARK often shines a light on the production relationships within our own field. Theory and practice can only every be thought of together, working relations and hierarchies are as important as artistic standpoints. That is why we also strive to implement the Fair Pay guidelines of the IG Kultur as an institution.

In a regular year the FORUM STADTPARK hosts around 150-200 events, and counts more than twenty thousand visitors. Apart from fees, sales, sponsoring, and hospitality, the largest part of the income comes from support by the city of Graz, the state of Styria, and the responsible ministries of the federal government. All together the FORUM STADTPARK operates with a revenue of circa 500 000 € per year.


Who works here?


Markus Gönitzer
Markus Gönitzer

Markus Gönitzer

Markus Gönitzer organises discourse events in the fields of social policy and political theory. In addition to his work at Forum Stadtpark, he is involved in the Container 25 association and the Peršmanhof memorial. He finds his inner peace in the punk band Red Gaze and other band projects.
Miriam Schmid
Miriam Schmid

Miriam Schmid

Has been working as a freelance performer, director and theatre-maker since 2010. Co-founder of the Graz performance collective Das Planetenparty Prinzip. In 2020, she was awarded the Start Stipend for Performing Arts by the Federal Chancellery. Formerly responsible for the performance section, she is now part of the management collective.
Robin Klengel
Robin Klengel

Robin Klengel

*1988 in Graz. Cultural anthropologist and as a media artist part of the collective Total Refusal. Since 2017 on the board of FORUM STADTPARK. (Photo: Clara Wildberger)

Programme forum

Clara Wildberger
Clara Wildberger
Spartenbeautragte Fotografie

Clara Wildberger

Works as a photographer and filmmaker on independent projects. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and exhibitions in Europe, Asia and the USA.
Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Spartenbeautragter Literatur

Fiston Mwanza Mujila

*in Lubumbashi/Dem. Rep. Congo, lives in Graz. He writes poetry, prose and plays. For his novel Tram 83 he received, among others, the International Literature Prize - House of World Cultures and the Peter Rosegger Literature Prize. The play Zu der Zeit der Königinmutter was performed at Akademietheater Vienna and Deutsches Theater Berlin.
Johanna Pichlbauer
Johanna Pichlbauer
Sparte Design

Johanna Pichlbauer

Johanna Pichlbauer is a designer and curator originally from Graz. In collaborations with companies/museums/cities/schools, she explores issues relating to automation, data sovereignty, robotics and digitalisation in a playful and narrative way. Johanna Pichlbauer is chairwoman of the Design in Gesellschaft (DING) association in Vienna, a laboratory for collaborative design work and design that is intended to serve society. In 2025, she will curate the design exhibition on textiles at Hollenegg Castle in Styria. She will begin her work at Forum Stadtpark in September and will help shape the 2025 annual programme.
Markus Waitschacher
Markus Waitschacher
Spartenbeauftragter Bildende Kunst

Markus Waitschacher

Curator, art educator and cultural anthropologist. Curates site-specific and site-sensitive exhibitions and enjoys discussing art. Since 2013 he has been working in the education department at the Universalmuseum Joanneum. In free projects he explores the city of Graz collectively and artistically-scientifically. He works with Birgit Kulterer on the collection of the city of Graz. (Photo: Alfred Lenz)
Rivka Saltiel
Rivka Saltiel
City & Space

Rivka Saltiel

Urban researcher and social geographer and head of the "City & Space" section since 2023.
Sara T. Huber
Sara T. Huber
Spartenbeautragte Gesellschaftspolitik

Sara T. Huber

Social pedagogue. Worked in the social sector for many years and was active in various political initiatives. Works and lectures as a freelance researcher on the topics of care, patriarchy, feminist movements and reproductive labour.
Victoria Fux
Victoria Fux
Spartenbeautragte Performance

Victoria Fux

Since 2006 performer in numerous productions at TaO!, Mezzanin Theatre, Forum Stadtpark, La Strada and the Planeten Party Prinzip. Theatre pedagogical training at TaO! 2012-14. 2017 dance and performance training at ImPulsTanz. Art Space Scholarship Holder of the Province of Styria 2017/2018. Since 2019 responsible for the performance section.


Anja Korherr
Anja Korherr

Anja Korherr

Studies at the Linz University of Art, works as a painter and artist as well as in the bar team at Forum Stadtpark.
Catrin Manoli
Catrin Manoli

Catrin Manoli

Studies at the Department of Experimental Design at the Kunstuni Linz and works both as an animal preparator and behind the bar at the Forum Stadtpark.
Kelvin Okpe
Kelvin Okpe

Kelvin Okpe

Sherif takes care of making us all feel comfortable in FORUM STADTPARK.
Leonhard Rabensteiner
Leonhard Rabensteiner
archive, assistance

Leonhard Rabensteiner

The misunderstood accountant works with downtempo Excel, experimental DIN standardization and does not play in any band. Currently he deals with the archive and coordinates the Forum Küche.
Minou Tsambika Polleros
Minou Tsambika Polleros
project organisation and management

Minou Tsambika Polleros

Responsible for project organization at Forum Stadtpark since 2023.
After studying Choreography, Visual Arts & Social Sculpture and living in the UK for many years, Minou is now involved in project coordination, production and curation of performative and interdisciplinary discursive formats. In addition to her own artistic practice and teaching, she works with dance and movement collectives abroad. Her personal interests are in dance and movement research, and her works and projects address the intersections of art and ecology, eco-somatics, embodied & delicate activism, active citizenship, and social sculpture.
More on Minou here.
Mohamed El Sherif
Mohamed El Sherif

Mohamed El Sherif

Sherif takes care of making us all feel comfortable in FORUM STADTPARK.
Mojca Legvart
Mojca Legvart
Bar organization, assistance

Mojca Legvart

Mojca works in the bar team and takes care of the overall bar management.
Roland Schwarz
Roland Schwarz
Finanzorganisation, Presse, Archiv

Roland Schwarz

The concert organiser and cultural journalist has been with the house since 2013 and is now responsible for finances, press and archives. (Photo: Lena Prehal)
Sarah Maria Kirchmayer
Sarah Maria Kirchmayer
Social Media & Public Relations

Sarah Maria Kirchmayer

Sarah kümmert sich im Forum Stadtpark um Pressekontakte, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Drucksorten und die Betreuung unserer Website & Social Media-Kanäle. Privat schreibt sie viele Texte, die womöglich nie veröffentlicht werden.
Sebastian Schröck
Sebastian Schröck
Haustechnik, Veranstaltungstechnik

Sebastian Schröck

Sebastian has been working as a house technician since 2019. Together with Arne Glöckner, he takes care for the technical management in the house.
Susi Possnitz
Susi Possnitz
graphic designer

Susi Possnitz

Based in Graz since 2011. Graphic designer and illustrator. Working also at Risograd Graz. Responsible for prints.
Zaid Alsalame
Zaid Alsalame

Zaid Alsalame

Zaid Alsalame is an actor and part of the bar staff of Forum Stadtpark since 2023.

Music team

Lain Iwakura
Lain Iwakura
Experimental/concert music

Lain Iwakura

Lain Iwakura is a DJ, sound artist, author and political activist. With Achim Szepanski, she runs the labels 'mille plateaux' and 'Force Inc', as well as the theory platform 'non'. She is a founding member of the Institute for Sonic Welfare and studies Computer Music at the University of Arts in Graz, as well as Art and Curatorial Practice at The New Centre for Research & Practice.
Milès Borghese
Milès Borghese
Club culture

Milès Borghese

Born 1998.
Milès Borghese is a DJ, producer and composer. He studies computer music and sound art at the Institute of Electronic Music & Acoustics in Graz and has been active in the music and club scene for many years. His work focuses on algorithmic and electroacoustic composition as well as electronic music in a club context and its intersections. In addition to his own event series in Germany and Austria, he has been a member of the music team at Forum Stadtpark since 2023, where he curates the music program together with Lain & Olgica.
Olgica Peric
Olgica Peric
Music team

Olgica Peric

Olgica Peric from Serbia, is a dancer, choreographer and DJ who has been active in the performance and music scene for years. She is working on creating new concepts and event formats in Graz.


The cultural program takes place on (at least) three floors.
Main Room Saloon Cellar Archive

The house includes over three different event spaces for various needs as well as additional infrastructure:

Main Room

The main room on the ground floor has been offering space for contemporary art production for over sixty years, as well as acting as the main space for all larger events in the house: Ranging from exhibitions, to theatre productions, readings, discussions, and concerts. The room is around 170 square metres and the window front can be partially opened to access the park.


The saloon in the first floor is used as a day to day meeting place and cultural hub. It regularly hosts workshops, discussion, readings, smaller concerts, and exhibitions. The terrace acts as a connecting element between fresh air and discourse.


The black cellar is the production and performance space with a club atmosphere and bar. It is the connection to contemporary music, theatre, and sound installation, for evenings of improvisation and club culture. Experiments in the darkness underground.


The archive of the FORUM STADTPARK is the central hub for the memory of artistic, political, social, philosophical, and societal discourse in Graz – and has been for over half a century. In addition to this, after prior consultation all of the print publications from the FORUM STADTPARK publishing house can be viewed.

The online archive of our old web page is available under this link.


Probably the longest running house for interdisciplinary art in Europe.



During the summer of 1958, the "Junge Gruppe", including the artists Othmar Carli, Gustav Zankl and Günter Waldorf, requested permission to permanently use the vacant former Stadtpark Café for art related events. However, the city council rejected this proposition and decided to demolish the building. It was only after protests of the press, politicians and several art societies that a deadline was set for the acquisition of the funds required for the maintenance of the building. The fund raising was successful and on 15th January 1959 FORUM STADTPARK’s constitutional assembly took place. In November 1960, the building was officially opened with the exhibition "Bekenntnis und Konfrontation".


The early years

As a self-managing artist association FORUM STADTPARK’s ideals were to promote the interests of people engaged in the cultural sector, more so than ever before. The building was to serve as a podium specifically for young artists and scientists. The founders expected their association to cover all aspects related to culture, including aesthetically traditional, historical, political and didactic issues, the result of which was a division of nine equal departments. However, during the 60s, the amount of theoretical projects decreased. The initial goal to cover a broad spectrum of culture was replaced with a focus on contemporary arts and literature.


The transformation

In the 60s and 70s, FORUM STADTPARK was established as one of the few places of presentation and production of progressive art and literature. Similarly, its self-perception underwent a transformation from an organisation generally devoted to culture to an art association and also incorporated a publishing house. International public attention was attracted by its literature journal manuskripte, which was founded in 1960. In addition, the photography journal Camera Austria, the film journal blimp, the literature journal Absolut, the essay journal Liqueur as well as the journal schreibkraft were now published here and the avant-garde festival steirischer herbst was initiated.



In 1995, Alfred Kolleritsch resigned as chairman in favour of Walter Grond, which lead to the replacement of most functionaries, abstractors and other staff members. This radical change was supposed to make the increasingly elitist association approachable to young artists again and consequently expected to revolutionise its rigid idea of “Avantgarde”. The different departments were dissipated; organisational and artistic issues were separated from each other, which discouraged projects that evolved around individuals. The FORUM STADTPARK theatre, Camera Austria and manuskripte parted ways.


Rebuilding and the jubilee

In 1997, Peter Zinagel succeeded Walter Grond. During his tenure, the house was rebuilt and a first floor was added. In 2003, Anton Lederer became chairman and combined the separate departments to form one committee in charge of cultural work – the Programmforum. This new development was a significant step in the encouragement of interdisciplinary work. In 2009, FORUM STADTPARK celebrated its 50 year jubilee with Bernhard Wolf as chairman.


Rathaus der Herzen

In 2011 Heidrun Primas took over the management and declared the FORUM STADTPARK as Town Hall of Hearts. FORUM STADTPARK sees itself as an interdisciplinary space devoted to a wide concept of arts and interdisciplinary work. On three floors, 150 events including architecture, literature, fine arts, photography, music, performance and theoretical contents take place each year. The association’s claim is to present a laboratory and a platform to many circles of local, Austrian and international culture production.

The online archive of the period is available under this link.


Collective leadership

From 2021 on, Markus Gönitzer, Robin Klengel and Miriam Schmid manage FORUM STADTPARK collectively. Building on the work of the last years, the artistic forces are to be increasingly bundled and themes set. Each year, the FORUM is given a different, programmatic subtitle, beginning with: FORUM STADTPARK - Center for Security" in 2022. As a House for the City*, it will continue to provide space for interdisciplinary artistic scenes and consciously engage in (cultural) political debates.


The management since Kolleritsch

1995-1997: W. Grond / P. Zinganel (deputy chairperson) / G. Ostanek (treasurer)
1997-2003: P. Zinganel / G. Muhr (dep. chairp.) / G. Ostanek (treas.)
2003-2007: A. Lederer / R. Binder-Krieglstein (dep. chairp.) / A. Putz (treas.)
2007-2009: B. Wolf / C. Peschl (dep. chairp.) / A. Putz bzw. ab 2008 K. Petrowitsch (treas.)
2009-2011: C. Peschl / H. Primas (dep. chairp.) / K. Petrowitsch (treas.)
2011-2017: H. Primas / J. Schrettle (dep. chairp.) / U. Musil (treas.)
2017-2021: H. Primas / R. Klengel (dep. chairp.) / E. Gruber (treas.)
since 2017: R. Klengel / M. Schmid / M. Gönitzer (collective)

Organize & become a part

How do things run here?

The FORUM STADTPARK is a non-profit organisation consisting of artists, researchers, and intellectual labourers. Those who want to take part can apply for a membership. For an expense contribution we also offer our space for external initiatives and artists for non-commercial projects, as long as they fit the current program and it is administratively possible for us.

External Events

In order to use the space of the FORUM STADTPARK for an external event you are welcome to send us an application. As our spacial and personal resources are limited we would ask for your understanding however that many applications have to be denied. Expense contributions can vary depending on the length, extent of the event, and the financial situation of the applicants. The program forum as well as the board are responsible for the decision on whether or not an application is granted.

There is currently a open invitation to propose guest events for the period January-April 2025. Closing date: 10.5.

Applications can be made here.


Those who work in the fields of art, culture, and research, either as a full time occupation or on an honorary basis, can apply for a full membership at the general assembly of the collective. Full members can take part in shaping the development of the house through their right to vote in the general assembly. There are regular meeting or special assemblies for members. You can become a member for 40€ or 15€ at a discounted price per year.

All other persons are welcome to become supporting members, self-less contributors of art and culture for a yearly contribution of 40€.


Thank you!

The FORUM STADTPARK would like thank its cooperation partners. Without them the daily operations in the house could not take place the way they do.

Plan 1st floor

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Plan 1st floor Forum Stadtpark

Plan 2nd floor

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Plan 2nd floor Forum Stadtpark

Plan cellar

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Plan cellar Forum stadtpark

Foto: Forum Stadtpark frontal view from the fountain

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(c) Garfied Trummer

Foto: Forum Stadtpark diagonally from the front

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(c) Garfield Trummer

Logo Forum Stadtpark

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Logo-Paket als .zip Datei

Obergeschoss / Saloon Ansicht 1

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(c) Lena Prehal

Obergeschoss / Saloon Ansicht 2

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(c) Lena Prehal

Obergeschoss / Saloon Ansicht 3

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(c) Lena Prehal

Erdgeschoss Aussenansicht

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(c) Lena Prehal

Erdgeschoss Ansicht 1

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(c) Lena Prehal

Erdgeschoss Ansicht 2

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(c) Lena Prehal

Erdgeschoss Ansicht 3

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(c) Alexandra Gschiel

Keller Ansicht 1

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(c) Peter Hutter

Keller Ansicht 2

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(c) Silvia Hödl

Website archive


You're looking for information about an older event or any other contents of our previous website? Click here for accessing our website archive.