Since 1959, artistic and literary publications and records have appeared in our own publishing house




Ultramarine (Afghanistan)

Fahim Amir, Elke Auer

The book Ultramarin (Afghanistan) documents the collaboration between the philosopher Fahim Amir and the artist Elke Auer for the exhibition Lifes at the Hammer Museum (Los Angeles, 2022).

Publication in four languages (Pachto, German, Dari, English) with 59 illustrations, 208 pages.

Printed by: Gugler (Melk)
ISBN: 978-3-901109-85-0

Based on the essay Stealing Colours, which develops the idea of a non-colonial history of colours, two artistic works were created: a tower (444cm) for the liberation of people and animals and a video monologue (8min) from the perspective of a female djinn.

In addition to an intro by Amir and Auer, the book contains both essay and monologue in Pachto and Dari, the most widely spoken languages in Afghanistan, as well as in German and English. There are also numerous illustrations of the work process as well as references and inspirations in terms of content and aesthetics.

€ 22


