In 1958, when a group of cultural workers and artists asked the city of Graz whether they could use the vacant building of the former Stadtpark Café for artistic purposes, this caused a long and sometimes heated discussion. Nevertheless, the disputes came to a good end. In 1959 the FORUM STADTPARK association was founded and in 1960 the building was officially opened as an art space.
The 60th anniversary, to which all sections of the house contribute, is understood as an occasion for a re-location and a questioning of the past for its utopian content. The project focusses foremost on the numerous members of the FORUM STADTPARK assiciation: people, some of whom are internationally anchored in the art world and have maintained a connection to the FORUM STADTPARK. For the activation of the extended "forum body", there were already assemblies and meetings in 2018, from which events and projects from 2019-2021 result.