Exhibition 11.11.22 - 17.12.22, Opening Gala: 11.11.22, 6 p.m. | Exhibition, opening hours: 15.11. - 17.12., Tue-Sat 2-6 p.m. Main room, Forum Keller Entry: Free

Safety Festival

Forum Stadtpark – Center for Security

Opening Gala, 11.11.22
18:00 ADMISSION with red carpet
18:00-00:00 PERFORMANCES Audioguide, Casino, Manchild
from 22:00 MUSIC Norms, Voiler, DJ Warzone, Misonica

EXHIBITION with Antonia Rippel-Stefanska, selma banich, Salvatore Vitale, Reni Hofmüller and Barbara Schmid, GUKUBI MATO (Tom Biela, Martín Guevara-Kunerth), Anja Korherr and Catrin Manoli, Antonia Manhartsberger.

Curated by Ana Jeinić, Victoria Fux, Clara Wildberger, Sara T. Huber, Markus Gönitzer.

With contributions and support from Fiston Mwanza Mujila & Patrick Wurzwallner, Lain Iwakura, Lisa Horvath, the Forum Stadtpark team and invited guests.

Exhibition 11.11.22 -17.12.22
opening hours 15.11. - 17.12., Tue-Sat 2-6 p.m.

As a final act, the Forum Stadtpark - Center for Security concludes its thematic annual program with security festivals that will occupy the entire house on all floors in the spirit of maximizing security.

We invite you to navigate a fragile world with its norms, routines and rituals. With a dramatic audio guide leading through the central exhibition and other sub-programs of the festival, we will provide for the perpetual re-enactment, even celebration, of social systems of order that lull us into apparent security on a daily basis. This heard security is questioned and musically broken by artistic contributions, while alternative approaches are formulated and perspectives of possible change are hinted at.

Safety Festival