Forum Stadtpark dedicates each issue of Forum with System to a specific professional group. This time it is the people of the park maintenance who are brought into the light of the system. For this purpose, the park caretakers of the green space support center were interviewed about their function and their work.
This is their story, told by Martin Brachvogel, fan and storyteller.
Reservations are requested as there are only 2 places available per expedition.
Expositionsdauer: je nach Geschwindigkeit: 40-50 min
Speaker: Martin Brachvogel
Audio production and music: Philipp Streicher
Dramaturgy: Alexander Benke
Direction, concept, text: Victoria Fux
Technical support: Arne Glöckner and Sebastian Schröck
With the kind support of Holding Graz and Peter Seindl.
Special thanks to Herbert Glaser and all the other park keepers of Holding Graz, who were the source of inspiration for this project.