FORUM STADTPARK is an artists' association in Graz’s Stadtpark, equipped with spaces on three levels. A large part of its programme is designed and produced by the FORUM itself.
However, in line with the association's purpose of promoting art and culture, guest events and collaborations also take place here, with other institutions or artists using the space for their own projects – usually for a contribution towards expenses.
For the 2025 season, FORUM STADTPARK has decided to make the options for using the space more transparent and open. To these ends, we have rearranged our programme calendar.
This means that we welcome more extensive and longer guest formats – such as exhibitions, performances or workshop formats – in the first four months of the year (mid-January to mid/end of April 2026). We would like to stick to this approach for 2026 and once again invite you to send us your suggestions for guest formats.
The following function rooms are available: a large space on the first floor (approx. 170 m²), a cellar set up for sound-based events (approx. 95 m²), and a smaller function room (approx. 80 m²) with terrace and adjoining kitchen on the upper floor – each with appropriate equipment.
This invitation primarily pertains to the use of all spaces over a longer timeframe as well as the large space in particular. Of course, it is still possible to propose projects for FORUM STADTPARK outside of this call-out – especially with regard to one-day events.
However, proposals that reach us by the below deadline will be given priority. Smaller, in-house productions by FORUM STADTPARK will also take place in the building during this period.
Conditions & further information
FORUM STADTPARK is a space for art, culture and discourse. A wide variety of events from these areas take place here: Exhibitions, performances, music, readings, conferences, lectures, festivals, work labs, workshops and much more.
Experimental formats and ideas are explicitly welcome.
Projects with a commercial focus, or projects that do not align with FORUM STADTPARK’s general orientation, will not be considered.
As an independent artists' association, FORUM STADTPARK determines which projects take place there. The Forum Programme Committee decides whether a project can take place at FORUM. Taking into account our resources, we can only host a certain selection of projects. As decisions are made on a collective basis, we cannot provide detailed justifications.
Unfortunately, we do not have the financial means to cover the production costs of guest events. We can therefore only host external projects that are already financed.
Each event involves a certain amount of work for the FORUM, as well as other expenses. This includes equipment and technical support, bar, cleaning, security, insurance, coordination and co-promotion. The resulting contribution towards expenses (in German: Unkostenbeiträge / UKB) is determined on a project-by-project basis. This contribution roughly covers the expenses incurred by the FORUM for each event.
The UKB is determined according to a tiered system that follows the principle of solidarity: If projects that we consider particularly worthy of support have no or hardly any funds available, we may reduce the UKB or provide the spaces and services free of charge. However, we ask for your understanding that we can only do this in very select cases. For smaller initiatives and individual artists, a contribution of around EUR 400/day applies for smaller spaces, and EUR 700/day (excl. taxes) for the larger space. These daily rates can be lowered for events with a longer timeframe, or rehearsal days. We request slightly higher rates from partners with a stable source of funding.
If you are interested, please contact us with a short, informal project description and some information about yourself, which spaces you need, preferred dates, and (potential) sources of funding.
Floor plans and photos of each space can be found here.
Deadline for proposals: 21.04.2025
Notification of space allocation: end of May
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