Book Presentation & Film Screening 22.05.24, 18:00 - 20:00 Entry: Free

Elke Auer & Fahim Amir

Ultramarin (Afghanistan)

Book presentation of "Ultramarin (Afghanistan)" by Fahim Amir and Elke Auer with film screening of "Enquelab Ultramarine" (2022).

The book "Ultramarin (Afghanistan)" documents the collaboration between philosopher Fahim Amir and artist Elke Auer for the exhibition Lifes at the Hammer Museum (Los Angeles, 2022).

Based on the essay Stealing Colours, which develops the idea of a non-colonial history of colours, two artistic works were created: a tower (444cm) for the liberation of humans and animals and a video monologue (8min) from the perspective of a female djinn.

In addition to an intro by Amir and Auer, the book contains both essays and monologues in Pachto and Dari, the most widely spoken languages in Afghanistan, as well as in German and English. Also, it contains numerous illustrations of the work process as well as references and inspirations in terms of content and aesthetics.

Fahim Amir and Elke Auer: Ultramarin (Afghanistan), four-language publication (Pachto, German, Dari, English) with 59 illustrations, p. 208.

Ultramarin (Afghanistan)

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Ultramarin (Afghanistan)

Book Presentation by Fahim Amir and Elke Auer with Film Screening | 22.05.2024

Fahim Amir is a philosopher and author living in Vienna. Amir is co-editor of Transcultural Modernisms (Sternberg Press, 2013), wrote the epilogue to Donna Haraway's Manifesto for Companions (Merve, 2016), wrote Schwein und Zeit (Nautilus, 2018) and is currently part of the Ö1 podcast Philosophieren mit: Hirn und Amir.

Elke Auer was born in Graz in 1980 and studied Visual Media Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Since graduating, she has worked as a visual artist, designing videos and stage sets for theatre productions. Studio scholarships have enabled her to spend extended periods of time in London, Rome, Sao Paulo, New York and Athens. She lives in Vienna.