--> Milès Borghese
--> Macrosoft
--> Stenny
--> Andria
--> Olgica
In 2023, the team consisting of the musicians, organisers and DJs Milès Borghese, Olgica Perić and Lain Iwakura took over the design of the music programme and the cellar in the Forum Stadtpark. In February 2023, they launched Forum Klub, a new clubbing series in the Forum Keller, which will continue in 2025. Watch this space!
Club in the Framework of the Festival for Austrian Film
Piano concert performance on an instrument assembled from five old grand pianos
Diagonale at Forum Stadtpark
Music Production Lab at Forum Stadtpark
Werk 02 back at Forum Stadtpark
open music presents Pongrácz/Moriel/Kranabetter/Duit
impuls Akademie
Elevate Festival - Forum Stadtpark
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