Conference and exhibition 23.05.24 - 24.05.24, Thursday: 14:00 - 22:00 / Friday: 09:00 - 18:00 Entry: Free

In/Visible Endometriosis

Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine 

Guest production

As part of the In/Visible Endometriosis: Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine project, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care (CIRAC) is organizing a one-of-a-kind interdisciplinary conference exploring endometriosis as a cultural, instead of just (bio)medial phenomenon.

Endometriosis will be viewed and discussed through the lens of health humanities, cultural and gender studies, social sciences, as well as visual and performance art.

In order to attend, please register by the 12 May 2024 by sending an email to

Further details about the conference and its programme here.

Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine 

About Rachael Jablo

Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine 

In/Visible Endometriosis | Artist Introduction

Rachael Jablo is a chronically ill, queer, Jewish, Berlin-based American artist and educator who works with storytelling, photography, installation, and collage to discuss issues around illness, the body, and gender.

Her work has been seen recently in a solo exhibition at USC’s Hoyt Gallery, at the Torrance Museum, and at the Museum für Fotographie in Braunschweig and has been featured in Ever-Emerging Magazine, on WNYC’s The Takeaway, and Slate.

She published her photographic monograph about chronic migraine, My days of losing words, with Kehrer Verlag in 2013. Her  recent work, The Hysteria Project, received a Neustart Kultur Grant for Innovative Arts from the German Government in 2021-2022. She is part of the EU-wide ENDOs art and narrative medicine project running through 2025.

Menstruation, Menopause, and Narrative Medicine