The world is in a state of upheaval. No one can say whether the destructive conditions of the present will continue, whether they will even get worse, or whether we will experience changes towards a different, a better world.
Last year's conference tried to strengthen utopian thinking. Now we have to investigate the strategies of transformation - understood as a transition to a radically different way of life and production - needed to find "a way out". After exploring the concept of transformation, we will discuss these strategies within the key social areas (mobility, economy, (care) work). This debate is inevitably linked to the question of who the actors of this socio-ecological transformation are and what transformational alliances are needed.
Friday 08.10.2021
19:00 -20.30 Opening
Jason W. Moore – Ways out of the Climate Crisis
Videotalk + Discussion + Stream
Saturday 09.10.2021
Brigitte Aulenbacher and Lukas Oberndorfer – The Great Transformation
Lecture + Discussion
Petra Schaper-Rinkel – New opportunities through digitization
Lecture + Discussion
Jan Philipp Dapprich and Simon Sutterlütti – Cyber-Socialism vs. Commonism
Lecture + Discussion
Winfried Wolf, Aglaée Degros, Joshy Schwarz: Transformation of transportation
Lecture + Discussion
Sunday 10.10.2021
Jörg Flecker and Sandra Stern: The way we want to live and work
Lecture + Discussion
Emma Dowling, Karin Schuster, Anna Kumnig – Ways out of Care Crisis
Lecture + Discussion + Stream
17:00 – 19:00
Ana Jeinic – Graz as SolidarCity: A Model
Lecture + Discussion
A cooperation between Forum Stadtpark and steirischer herbst '21