Book presentation 17.02.23, 19:00 Forum Saloon Entry: Free

Berlin Busters Social Club

Outrageous! Adbusting with police and military

Adbusting is a form of street art in which advertising posters are altered with paint, paper and paste in such a way that the message is distorted beyond recognition. The range of interventions extends from a changed word to a major intervention in the imagery. Doing so with police or military posters can risk house searches, DNA analysis, and reports to the Terror Defense Center, as experienced by the Berlin Busters Social Club collective in 2018/2019. In the meantime, there are several decisions by public prosecutors and police authorities in Germany that opening advertising showcases and hanging up one's own posters is not a punishable offense. At our book presentation, the unusual history of this rare success will be presented, a lot of photographs of adbusting will be shown and the effects and limits of this form of action will be discussed.

The event works very participative with few visitors (under 10). If there are more visitors, larger parts will be presented.

With the support of Alternativreferat Uni Graz and Verein Werbefrei
Berlin Busters Social Club

Outrageous! Adbusting with police and military