Walk 16.03.25, 2 pm Afro-Asiatisches Institut Graz, Leechgasse 22-24, 8010 Graz Entry: Free

Political urban walk

Colonial Entanglements

Meeting point: Afro-Asian Institute Graz, Leechgasse 22-24, 8010 Graz

Registration by e-mail is requested: jennifer.brunner@uni-graz.at
The city walk ‘Colonial Entanglements in Graz’ takes place as part of this year's Austrian Antiracism Days. It attempts to uncover various traces of colonial heritage, colonial presence and resistance to it in Graz.

Colonial and racist symbols, which are still present in the cityscape and represent a painful part of everyday confrontation with the city's colonial heritage, form a first level of observation. Another continuity is the so-called ‘soft’ colonialism that has characterised Austria from the times of the Habsburg monarchy to the present day in south-eastern Europe. The third focus is the question of current neo-colonial and imperial entanglements.

The walk will visit places in Graz that tell us something about these three interwoven dimensions - by means of concrete monuments, street names, symbols or through gaps, omissions and repressions. The question of the relationship between historical colonial oppression and contemporary everyday racism will also accompany us throughout the walk. As we walk, we can enter into dialogue and share experiences and resistant knowledge.

The city walk is a joint event organised by the African Science Hub (University of Graz), the Forum Stadtpark and the Afro-Asian Institute Graz.

Colonial Entanglements