Discourse 20.02.24, 18:00 - 20:00 Ground Floor Entry: Free


Art & Education


On this date, we want to find and discuss connections between art production and educational processes. Is the art space a suitable place for learning? Can we educate ourselves with and through art? Use art for learning objectives and educational projects?

Let's try to articulate visions for the future. What kind of educational centre could the FORUM STADTPARK become? What do we need to learn or unlearn in the future? Should we do more radical educational work?

We will think about all these questions together at ECHORAUM.

No prior knowledge is required to participate!

Limited number of possible participants. Reservations: waitschacher@forumstadtpark.at.

Dates 2024

Tuesday, 20.02. 6 - 8pm
Tuesday, 21.05. 6 - 8pm
Tuesday, 22.10. 6 - 8pm
Tuesday, 10.12. 6 - 8pm

A project by Anna Döcker and Markus Waitschacher.

Art & Education


Art & Education

ECHORAUM | Art and Education
Forum Stadtpark

We should talk more about art, generally.

Instead of talking openly about problems, opinions, tastes and feelings, we usually say quite little. We prefer to just look, drink and listen.

That's what we want to do in the ECHORAUM, too. But at the same time, we want to talk. Or even better discuss, argue a little, and hopefully learn together. Or better yet unlearn? Every question is being worth asking. Every question deserves a possible answer.

We'll meet in the ECHORAUM four times a year, in a special setting designed by the artist Christina Helena Romirer in the FORUM STADTPARK and try to be an echo: an echo for current questions in art, fundamental controversies and for exhibitions and projects that are currently on view in Graz.