Finissage 20.07.24, 23:00 - 05:00 Entry: 8€ <00:00> 10€

Closing & Party



Explity with KimberlaID
Talita Otović, Karlfroye
Nouminouw and Claude Murder

On the day of the finissage, the exhibition FAM. extended opening hours apply until 11 pm. Afterwards the closing party starts in the Forum Keller.

Curated and organized by Clara Wildberger.

Is family the most human relationship? Certainly, it is a web that shapes who we are, how we feel, and how we respond to others. It is the place where emotions are tested and bonds are forged through shared experiences. Relationships within a family are a complex and crucial aspect of our lives whether it is with parents, siblings, extended family, or chosen family - these connections can drastically influence our well-being. However, dysfunctional patterns and transgenerational trauma stemming from conflict, violence, neglect, or abuse may well impact on these bonds. Not all families are ideal.

Choosing family frequently involves forming close connections with people who are not biologically related but hold a significant place in life, such as friends or lovers. These relationships often mirror enduring family bonds in values and circumstances, offering a powerful support system beyond biological ties. Built on trust and shared experiences, chosen family plays a crucial role in emotional stability, balancing the diverse ways people create a sense of belonging.

Where do we find our family? In our photo album? In a chat group? In the span of one human life, a photography album becomes a visual chronicle, capturing and preserving moments, occasions, and the evolution of relationships or connections. These albums often serve as a tangible record of shared experiences and the passage of time.




FAM. | Forum Stadtpark
Halle für Streit - Hall of Beef

Franzis Kabisch

Philippe Gerlach.

Agnė Juodvalkytė

Reza Kellner.

Anna Jurkiewicz.

Noah Rachdi.