Get-together 19.03.25, 18:00 Entry: Freiwillige Spende€

Forum Kitchen

Roter Keil

Forum Küche - Kitchen for All!

The ROTER KEIL art association was founded in 2012. Its 21 members work in various areas of the visual arts.
In addition to the studio, the association runs a showroom and organises temporary uses.
Almost every month, we host a different initiative, group or collective for our format Forum Küche. On these events, you can enjoy a vegetarian or vegan meal together and chat informally. You can enjoy the food for a voluntary donation - the evening's proceeds then go to the initiative in question.

This format has been taking place in various forms for more than ten years at Forum Stadtpark. After a break due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Forum Küche was re-established in 2022. It almost always takes place on the last Wednesday of the month at 18:00.

Roter Keil