Exhibition 11.02.22, 16:00 Main room Entry: Free



Forum Stadtpark – Center for Security

A relation is generally understood to be a one-way or two-way relationship between one being or event to one or more others. With each encounter arises the possibility of a sensation, a social form, a conception, an idea...
Confrontation with another person can imply challenge or even great uncertainty. At the same time, trust and reliability are the basis for intimate relationships or partnerships: confiding in each other, being there for each other.
No light falls easily on the place where the self-relationship reveals. It doesn't matter if something is worth hiding, or if it is essential to reveal what is hidden. The literacy of intimacy, of exposing oneself and talking about it, is a great achievement of our generations, a paradigm shift towards a caring society and, related to that, also the freedom of photography - because talking is sometimes so difficult.

With Anaïs Horn and Eilert Asmervik, Helene Gödl, Kia Tahmasi, Lain Iwakura / Bill B. Wintermute,
Manfred Willmann, Peter Pflügler, Seiichi Furuya

Curated by Clara Wildberger
