Everyone agrees: the safety of "our" children is important. Very important! Children cannot be safe enough - and yet we are wrecking the planet and putting the safety of future generations at massive risk.
FORUM STADTPARK approaches the sacred minefield of child safety with black humour. The exhibition fair playfully explores what is sayable and sustainable, shows disturbance and exaggeration, contradiction and double standards. Children are liable for their parents.
ATTENTION: The Children's Security Fair offers more to adults than to children. Children are of course welcome at the exhibition, but it is not a dedicated children's exhibition.
Fair exhibitors: Mikhail Karikis, Stefanie Sargnagel, Darren Cullen, Barbi Marković, Edith Payer, Das Planetenparty Prinzip, Total Refusal, Christoph Schwarz, Katalin Kortmann Járay, Fiston Mwanza Mujila/Patrick Wurzwallner (as a duo), Arne Glöckner/Sebastian Schröck u.v.m.
Programme Opening Day 11.06.2022
12:00 Foam roll tapping
13:00-19:00 Cotton candy with the elephant
14:00-16:00 Flesh wound make-up
16:00-17:30 Children's tattooing
15:00-19:00 Painting action at the convertible beach
17:30-20:00 Crushing bubble wrap with the hamster
20:00-22:00 Music from the Boom Box