18 - 19.30: Keynote Lecture with Rachael Pablo
ab 19.30 Uhr: Exhibition Opening "The Hysteria Project"
Rachael Jablo is a chronically ill Berlin-based US-American artist who works with photography, installation and collage. Dealing with issues of the feminine, the body and mythology, she joins analog photographic techniques with collage, as well as the occasional traditional photography.
Her work has been seen recently in Collagistas Festival in Brussels and Milan, the Analogue Now Photography Festival in Berlin, and at the Museum für Fotographie in Braunschweig. Her work has been featured in Ever-Emerging Magazine's Berlin issue, Booooooom, Lensculture and Migraine.com, and her book, My days of losing words, was published by Kehrer Verlag in 2013.
As part of the conference "Endometriosis (R)Evolution: Making the Invisible Visible."
More information on The Hysteria Project here.