Reading 18.10.24, 7 p.m. Entry: Free


Vom Wahnsinn einer Frau



• Tsitsi Dangarembga (Simbabwe)
• Yara Monteiro (Angola/ Portugal)
• Astrid H.Roemer (Surinam)
• Hommage to Maryse Condéé

Since 2022, a deceased writer whose work and life has contributed to our understanding of the world has been honoured with a tribute. After Gloria Naylor and Audre Lorde, WELTWORTREISENDE is honouring Maryse Condé (1934-2024), one of the most important voices in French-language literature.

The event will be held in English.

Postcolonial literature rehabilitates the Black woman, who was invisible in colonial historiography and reduced to a subordinate role, unless she was portrayed as an exotic and sexual object.

Tsitsi Dangarembga, Yara Monteiro and Astrid H. Roemer shed light on Black women's struggles against patriarchal structures and postcolonial power relations towards female self-determination. These unique and peripheral narratives thus become spaces in our centre from which a new cartography of the world is drawn.

Yeboaa Ofosu

Ninja Reichert

Silvia Glatzhofer (Englisch) und Isabel Azevedo (Portuguesich)

Vom Wahnsinn einer Frau


Vom Wahnsinn einer Frau

4th transnational literature days of Graz | 17. - 19.10.2024

The Transnational Graz Literature Days, or WELTWORTREISENDE are a meeting place for languages and cultures, literature and the imaginary - a heterogeneous place in constant motion, where borders become bridges, oases in the desert or cherry trees that bear fruit all year round.