Concert 18.10.24, 10 p.m. Entry: Free




Prince Zeka, born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has lived in Vienna since 1991 as a singer, composer and producer. He has created his own style of music, which he calls Makoul. With his band DUNIA MOJA (‘one world’), Prince Zeka mixes soul, funk, Afro beat, reggae and, time and again, Congolese rumba to take the audience on a journey through sounds and rhythms.




4th transnational literature days of Graz | 17. - 19.10.2024

The Transnational Graz Literature Days, or WELTWORTREISENDE are a meeting place for languages and cultures, literature and the imaginary - a heterogeneous place in constant motion, where borders become bridges, oases in the desert or cherry trees that bear fruit all year round.