The urban walk Graz Decolonial addresses three dimensions of coloniality in Graz. Firstly, it renders Black perceptions of Graz visible and audible. Colonial and racist symbols continue to be present in the city, and represent a painful
part of the daily confrontation with colonial heritage.
A further continuity is represented by the ongoing presence of “soft” colonialism, which shaped Austria from the rule of the Habsburg monarchy through to its present-day role in the Balkan region. The third emphasis lies in current neo-colonial and imperial entanglements.
To what extent are Graz’s economy and politics involved in the various extractivist projects and theatres of war on this planet – and why does this tend not to be thematised in public debates? The walk will bring us to sites in Graz that tell something about these three interwoven dimensions – from memorials, street names, and symbols to gaps, omissions, and moments of repression.
The format will be developed in close conversation with experts, activist and cultural communities, and includes both historical and political perspectives and artistic and literary contributions.
After the walk there will be music by Az Acili and drinks in the Forum Stadtpark from 19:00.
Urban Walk as Part of the Festival “Weltwortreisende”. More about the festival HERE.
Rivka Saltiel, Sara T. Huber, Markus Gönitzer, Adjani Kamucote, Heide Bruckner, Anela Dumonjić, Jennifer Brunner, Anna Verwey, Sarah Baumgartner, Derya Özkaya, Fabian Wagner und Fiston Mwanza Mujila.
Translations in French, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian, Turkish and German
Enchevêtrements coloniaux
Une promenade politico-littéraire à travers la ville
Explorez avec nous des lieux à Graz qui racontent le colonialisme: à partir de la perspective des Noirs et des symboles racistes du quotidien en passant par les imbrications coloniales de la Monarchie des Habsbourg jusqu’aux structures néocoloniales d’ordre économique et politique. Emboîtez-nous le pas! A l’issue de la promenade, il y aura de la musique d’Az Acili et des boissons au Forum Stadtpark à partir de 19 heures.
Kolonijalna zapetljanost
Književno-politička šetnja gradom
Istražite s nama mjesta u Grazu koja govore o kolonijalizmu: od Crnog pogleda na grad i rasističkih simbola u svakodnevnom životu, preko kolonijalnih ispreplitanja Habsburške monarhije, do trenutnih neokolonijalnih struktura u ekonomiji i politici.
Šetajte sa nama! Nakon šetnje će biti muzike od Az Acili i piće u Forum Stadtparku od 19 sati
Sömürgeci Bağlantılar
Edebi-Politik Bir Şehir Turu
Graz'da sömürgeciliği anlatan yerleri bizimle birlikte keşfedin: Günlük hayatta Siyahların karşılaştığı ırkçı sembollerden Habsburg monarşisinin sömürgeci ilişkilerine ve iş dünyası ile siyasetteki güncel yeni-sömürgeci yapılara kadar... Bizimle bir yürüyüşe çıkın!
Yürüyüşten sonra saat 19:00 itibariyle Az Acılı'nın müziği eşliğinde içeceklerimizle Forum Stadtpark'ta olacağız.
Koloniale Verstrickungen
Ein literarisch-politischer Stadtspaziergang
Erkunde mit uns Orte in Graz, die von Kolonialismus erzählen: Vom Schwarzen Blick auf die Stadt und rassistischen Symbolen im Alltag über die kolonialen Verflechtungen der Habsburgermonarchie bis hin zu aktuellen neokolonialen Strukturen in Wirtschaft und Politik.
Spaziert mit uns ! Nach dem Spaziergang gibt es ab 19:00 Musik von Az Acili und Drinks im Forum Stadtpark