Presentation 20.06.24, 19:00 - 21:15 Entry: Free

St.A.i.R. - Artist Talks

Final Presentations by Or Ariely und Zeno Gries

Guest production St.A.i.R. (Styria-Artist in Residence)

Zeno Gries was Styrian Artist in Residence in Graz in May and June. At the end of the residency, he will give an insight into his own artistic work and talk about the project development of an essay film that deals with so-called ‘death bots’. ‘Death bots’ or ‘ghost bots’ are artificial intelligences that are trained with the data of deceased people in order to create immortal digital versions of them. This exploration of ‘ghosts’ in the context of new technologies will serve as a starting point to examine the everyday mystifications of modern technologies such as AI.

Practices that were once associated with the occult and pseudoscientific, such as “ghost summonings”, are now applied in Silicon Valley IT companies for commercial purposes. What is happening at the intersection of technocapitalism and parapsychology? Is a new transhumanism emerging there?


After his two-month stay in Graz as Styrian Artist in Residence, Or Ariely gives an insight into his artistic work. He also presents his latest project ideas and implementations through video art and sculpture, which he developed during his time in Graz.

In his multidisciplinary approach, Ariely uses and combines different media such as video, print and sculpture. The focus of his work is the modeling of internal organs of mammals from silicone. They serve as metaphors for the investigation of the symbiosis between humans and technology and the dynamics between organic and synthetic.

At the same time, they are intended to stimulate reflection on how technical developments also contribute to distancing and alienation, for example when people interact from a distance during a medical procedure.

Or Ariely, whose work is repeatedly influenced by science fiction and horror films, examines how people in a capitalist world are alienated from themselves by the economy, globalization and technology and become a kind of alien.

An event organised by Katharina Pilcher and the XENOS association in cooperation with Forum Stadtpark.

Final Presentations by Or Ariely und Zeno Gries

About the artists

Final Presentations by Or Ariely und Zeno Gries

St.A.i.R. ARTIST TALKS | 20.6.2024
Forum Stadtpark

Zeno Gries has an open-ended approach to artistic work, deliberately relinquishing control over certain aspects of the creative process. This methodology often leads him to collaborate with scholars, actors, and other artists from various disciplines.

By embracing a performative surrender of power and control in his productions, Zeno Gries aims to challenge a traditional patriarchal approach to directing and art practice.

Zeno Gries utilizes a diverse and ever-evolving range of new media, with a primary focus on film, video, and software.


Or Ariely (b. 1988, Israel), is a Jerusalem-based visual artist and part of the Jerusalem-based Artists Cube Studios, with a degree from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Tel Aviv. He has participated in numerous exhibitions in Israel, Poland and Spain and won the “Point of View” competition for video and experimental cinema at the International Student Film Festival in Tel Aviv (2019). He has been awarded the Lauren and Mitchell Presser Prize from the Bezalel Academy, Jerusalem (2017) and the NRW Scholarship for Students from the Middle East in Bielefeld, Germany (2016).

Final Presentations by Or Ariely und Zeno Gries Image: Zeno Gries