Reading 25.07.24, 18:00 - 21:00 Forum Obergeschoss & Terrasse Entry: Free

ausreißer - die Grazer Wandzeitung

Europe and its wars

ausreißer - Die Wandzeitung presents as part of the series "About War - The Language of War":
Europe and its wars

"No, the invasion of Ukraine was not the first war in Europe since 1945, as many apparently thought in February 2022. For almost the entire 1990s, there was fighting over the bankruptcy assets of the defunct Yugoslavia, and around 120,000 people were killed. But the forgotten wars in the south-east of the continent also have a message for the present."

Norbert Mappes-Niediek, journalist and non-fiction author, correspondent for German and Dutch-language media for South-East Europe since 1991/92, author of "Krieg in Europa, Der Zerfall Jugoslawiens und der überforderte Kontinent" (Rowohlt Berlin 2022) and "Europas geteilter Himmel, Warum der Westen den Osten nicht versteht" (Ch. Links Berlin 2021).

by and with Norbert Mappes-Niediek

Evelyn Schalk

Since 2004, der ausreißer - Die Wandzeitung has been published as an independent and critical discourse medium in large format in public spaces, as a folded edition to take away and with full content online.

Especially in times when established social structures are undergoing upheaval, free, low-threshold and at the same time high-quality access to information and art is essential for the social, political and cultural participation of as many people as possible, regardless of income, origin and social status.

As a non-commercial and therefore advertising-free medium, the magazine publishes articles at the interface of literature and journalism that deal with a wide variety of topics and perspectives in a multi-layered way. We primarily offer a platform to those who receive little attention in commercial media and are therefore largely underrepresented in public discourse. In an increasingly concentrated media landscape, there is a need for independent, critical debate and communication on an equal footing.

The public sphere is of central importance for this. Only if it is used, defended, conquered and shaped as a free, social information and art space beyond its increasingly massive commercial appropriation can it function as a place of exchange and a functioning, lively, urban, equal coexistence.

With its large-format presence at various central and highly frequented locations, the ausreißer - Die Wandzeitung represents an intervention in the urban space that enables and demands multi-layered reading and communication.

Every eight weeks, a new issue of ausreißer is published on a key topic that is announced in advance in an open call for papers; additional contributions and input are constantly being added online (at, but also on our blog As a result, ausreisser has established itself as a critical platform in the cultural and media landscape of Graz and Austria. In numerous local and international co-operations, the ausreißer continuously bridges borders, on walls, in texts, in and through various forms and channels of communication. However, ausreißer always stands for clear social and political positions, commitment, resistance, literature & art in word, image, deed and action.

Europe and its wars