Konzert und Ausstellung 25.05.24, 10:00 - 23:30 // 19:00 - 23:30 at FORUM STADTPARK Entry: Free

impuls MinuteConcerts

Walk through Galleries with Music

Guest production

Once a year – and already for the 15th time – impuls invites to an acoustic as well as visual tour through various galleries in Graz. Whether perceived as tryout or as an art course with a duration of more than 12 hours: any approach is possible, the admission free.

Thus experts are welcome just as much as the "just curious" ones, and of course the same holds true for passers-by and those, who like to join from the early morning to late night, for connoisseurs and discoverers, kids, adolescent and grown-ups ... everyone is called up to stroll around the City of Graz together with young musicians and composers and experience music – be it classical modern or most recently composed one, be it electronic or improvised music – at first hand and aside from traditional concert stages. So feel invited to meet up with artists, gallerists, curators, art lovers and other fellow beings and enjoy music and fine arts in new synergy.

A production of impuls in cooperation with several galleries and art institutions in Graz.

Walk through Galleries with Music


Walk through Galleries with Music

impuls MinuteConcerts | 25.05.24

10 Uhr | Blazek . berber.carpets + textiles
Leonhardstraße 12, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition berber.carpets + textiles

11.30 Uhr | kunst.wirt.schaft
Elisabethstraße 14, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition Tasso Mattar: Eine Materialsammlung

13 Uhr | Grazer Kunstverein
Palais Trauttmansdorff
Burggasse 4, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition Curtis Cuffie

14.00 | esc medien kunst labor
Bürgergasse 5, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition Wer spielt mit uns? Part 1

16.00 | MUWA . Museum der Wahrnehmung
Friedrichgasse 41, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition Roland Goeschl . Color has to become material

17.30 | HDA . Haus der Architektur
Mariahilferstraße 2, 8020 Graz
Concert + Exhibition Smoties – Creative Works with Small and Remote Places

19.00 | Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz
Concert + Exhibition DTAFA: How to Become an Island? THE BOOTCAMP

For the detailed programme, click here: impuls.cc.