Panel Discussion 08.02.24, 19:00 Saloon Entry: Free

Climate-damaging advertising: you can do without it

Guest production

Two elements are essential for the consumption of climate-damaging products: advertising, which encourages purchase, and sponsorship, which improves the image of the product. For this reason, they have been severely restricted for tobacco products, and this also affects the image of cigarettes. However, other products that are harmful to the general public may still be advertised: First and foremost those for cars, flights, cruises and their infrastructure, which mainly depends on fossil fuels.
But does this fossil-fuelled advertising have to continue?

The Netherlands shows that there is another way: in 2020, Amsterdam began restricting advertising in this category. Since then, nine cities in the country have followed suit and no longer allow fossil-fuelled advertising in their cities. There are now nine cities in the country that have followed this example and no longer allow fossil-fuelled advertising in their cities. There are also more and more efforts in this direction internationally.

Graz could be the first city in Austria to follow international examples and ban this form of climate-damaging advertising. This and the effects of fossil advertising will be discussed by:
Charlotte Braat (NL), representative of Reclame Fossielvrij and initiator of the platform worldwithoutfossilads;
Werner Prutsch, Head of the Environmental Office of the City of Graz;
Thomas Brudermann, climate psychologist, University of Graz.

In a campaign, the association Werbefrei is calling for the city of Graz to be the first Austrian city to take action and implement this demand. The petition can still be signed here until 18 February, after which talks will be sought with the city.

The discussion will take place in english language.

Climate-damaging advertising: you can do without it