Symposium 13.02.25, 5.30 pm Entry: Free

John Holloway & Lucí Cavallero

Doing Emancipation Against Authoritarian Capitalism

With John Holloway and Lucí Cavallero.
Moderation: Tine Haubner and Stefanie Hürtgen

Live Stream.

In the name of economic strength, growth and prosperity, we are experiencing the ruthless destruction of our social and ecological foundations.

There are worldwide protests against obscene inequalities and barely concealed oppression – but there are also many defeats in the struggles and therefore often resignation and despair. The question arises: Where are there approaches for a stubborn perspective from below, for solidary work, production and reproduction? What concept of work can be linked to the diverse and geographically separated struggles for a different mode of (re)production and everyday living?

We would like to discuss these questions with John Holloway and Luci Cavallero, two internationally renowned researchers and activists.

John Holloway teaches in the graduate school of sociology in the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico. He has written widely on anti-capitalist struggles and the meaning of revolution today. His books, Change the World without taking Power (2002), Crack Capitalism (2010) and Hope in Hopeless Times (2022) have been translated into a dozen languages and have stirred international controversy.

Our second guest, Luci Cavallero, is an Argentinian sociologist and feminist activist with the collective ‘NiUnaMenos’. She is doing research at the University of Buenos Aires on the connection between debt, illegal financial market strategies and various forms of violence. In 2021, she and Veronica Gago published the book ‘A feminist reading of debt’ in the series ‘Mapping Social Reproduction Theory’, which won the English Pen Award.

DFG Network Labour Geography, AK Labour Geography in collaboration with Forum Stadtpark and the University of Graz

Doing Emancipation Against Authoritarian Capitalism