Reading 15.02.24, 19.30 - 22.00 Entry: Free

habe bewurzelte Stecklinge

meets Lichtungen

Guest production

The first FLINTA* poetry anthology with texts by 35 authors who provide insights into their lyrical writing is called "have rooted cuttings". In addition to writing processes and author portraits, the lyrical texts are embedded in a dialogue of origin, language and inner geography. The title of the edited publication i: In analogy to the many marginalised voices of queer people, metaphorical roots are taken here, which spill out into textual formations, intertwine and cautiously reach out to the left and right.

LICHTUNGEN is a magazine for literature, art and contemporary critique from Graz. It has been published since 1979 and is currently edited by Andrea Stift-Laube. The aim of the magazine is to promote young authors and give them the opportunity to publish. In addition to these new voices, internationally renowned writers are also published. Recent issues have focussed on language and literature from Sicily, Slovenia and Romani.

The evening is dedicated to the blossoming and research of new voices and marginalised languages. The readers are: Kateřina Černá , Julia Knaß, Tara Meister and Asiyeh Panahi.

Cooperation with the literature department of FORUM STADTPARK.

meets Lichtungen

About the authors

meets Lichtungen

habe bewurzelte Stecklinge meets Lichtungen | 15.02. 2024

Kateřina Černá, born in 1985 in the Czech Republic, studied Slavic Studies in Graz, Prague and Odessa and Scenic Writing at Forum Text/ uniT. She writes drama and prose for children and adults. Her texts have received several awards, including the Peter Turrini Scholarship (2017) and the City of Graz Literature Scholarship (2021). The author lives in Graz.
Julia Knaß is founder of the literary magazine mischen and part of the printing collective Risograd (Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus Graz). Together with Anna Neuwirth, she reflects on what 1 literature is (Ist das 1 Literatur, Sukultur 2021).

Tara Meister (born 1997) grew up in Carinthia. She studied medicine in Vienna and has been studying literary writing in Leipzig since autumn 2022. Her texts have been published in various anthologies and literary journals (Lichtungen, Perspektive, mosaik, etc.), she received the Dramatikerinnenpreis der neuen bühne villach, the Erostepost-Literaturpreis in 2022, the Förderpreis für Literatur des Landes Kärnten and was nominated for the Wortmeldungen Förderpreis.

Asiyeh Panahi (born 1998 in Iran) spent her childhood in the Torbate Jam refugee camp. She came to Austria in 2014 and has lived in Graz since 2015. She attended German courses in Graz for the first time in summer 2015 and started evening classes in autumn. In addition to her school-leaving examination, she completed a diploma programme in social and vocational education at the BFI. Immediately after her school-leaving examination, she enrolled at the University of Graz and is studying law. She is a columnist and author with publications in Lichtungen, Kenne deine Rechte, Jahrbuch österreichischer Lyrik 2019 and Megaphon.