Workshop 20.11.24, 18:00 Entry: Free


The Resistance Quilt Project

Hall of Beef

The Resistance Quilt Project is an interactive community art project, based in Graz, Austria, that explores the question: what can we do, in our own lives and communities, to end femicide/ feminicide?

The project is taking place throughout 2024 in the form of interactive exhibitions, workshops, events and as part of the local monthly femicide actions, before culminating in a final exhibition at Forum Stadtpark at the end of the year.

The physical outcome of the project will be a large-scale public quilt, constructed from the bed-sheet banners made to mark each femicide in Austria for the monthly demonstrations and demand banners created collectively in workshops. During the workshops, participants are invited to discuss what makes women and gender non-conforming people (FLINTA*) vulnerable to feminicide, what is producing this vulnerability and what could change to eventually end femicide.

Then participants visualise what these changes would look like in their own lives and communities in order to design then make the banners, with help from the artist. During the workshops, participants are asked if they would like to share their thoughts and if so, these are recorded to form part of the Sound Quilt, which is being created by Reni Hofmüller. The workshops invite everyone to be part of the project and the Resistance Quilt!

Femicide is not inevitable, femicide is the result of patriarchal systems and social norms, which we, collectively, have the power to change.

The Resistance Quilt Project