Political Show 30.11.24, 7.30 pm - 10.30 pm Entry: 15 € / 10€

Communism vs. Capitalism. Which is better??

Hall of Beef

“Communism vs. Capitalism: Which is Better??”: the struggle between the ideologies is finally given the stage it deserves. This artistic and performative infotainment spoof goes straight to the heart of the matter. Representatives of communism and capitalism compete in a number of rounds, discussing the big questions of the future of our time.

What do communism and capitalism mean today? Which ideology will get us through the climate apocalypse? Is capitalism out on its feet? Might communism return?

Which is better?? At the end, a jury will choose a winner – and the public will finally know the answer! With guests from the fields of journalism, research, and pop culture.


CONCEPT: Miriam Schmid, Markus Gönitzer, Robin Klengel

PERFORMANCE: Victoria Fux und Markus Waitschacher

SET: Lisa Horvath

OUTSIDE EYE: Monika Klengel

Communism vs. Capitalism. Which is better??