27.10.21, 17:00 Entry: Free

Tint Journal

Writing Meet-up

Join Tint's WRITING MEET-UP where you'll get together with writers of all levels (beginners to pros) in a small group (max. 10 participants per meeting) and write creatively in English for about two hours.

Registration is mandatory at info@tintjournal.com
Our writing meet-ups are free of charge for Tint members. To become a member of Tint or inquire about member benefits, e-mail us at info@tintjournal.com.
If you want to test the waters before becoming a member, we'd ask you to contribute to our expenses with 3€ for this in person writing meet-up.

We're looking forward to writing with you!


  • We usually begin our writing meet-ups with a free writing session based on at least three given prompts you can choose from.
  • Discussion of free writing texts
  • Workshop: We either discuss a text (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, ...) brought along by a participant, or the texts that we just created in the free writing session into more detail, or do some writing exercises.
    If you want to bring a text (max. 3 A4 pages) for discussion with the group, please send the text to info@tintjournal.com on the day before the meeting by 8 PM latest. We guarantee a welcoming and respectful environment, and constructive feedback.
    Additionally, we will also provide tips and tricks on how to give and receive feedback, and on literary writing in general.
Writing Meet-up