On September 14, Viennese comic author Vinz Schwarzbauer will present his debut graphic novel MÄANDER in a moderated artist talk including a comic reading at Forum Stadtpark.
Vinz Schwarzbauer reconstructs the biography of his family between Hungary, Austria, Canada and an indigenous Anishinabek community. While his grandmother found a new home in Austria after the 1956 Hungarian uprising, his great-aunt emigrated to Canada. Vinz Schwarzbauer asks his family members about their memories of giving up their old homeland and searching for a new one. In multi-layered to contradictory descriptions, the family discusses feelings of belonging and foreignness and what it means to grow up as a minority in a foreign country.
"What does it mean to grow up as a minority in a foreign country? How do flight and expulsion affect people's lives - and indeed the lives of the children's and grandchildren's generation? The Austrian comic artist Vinz Schwarzbauer has now drawn a graphic novel on the story of his family's flight, which stands out both graphically and in terms of content - the rbbKultur Comic of the Month!"
-Andrea Heinze, rbbKultur
"Imaginations, traditions and really experienced things come together and submit to the flow of time. The beautifully presented book invites you to a journey into the past, to a reconstruction and examination of important, social questions."
-Michael Bohli, Phosphor
For more information, click here.
A short biography
Vinz Schwarzbauer, *1987 in Graz, studied fine arts in Vienna and in Hamburg. He works as a comic artist and illustrator and has published the magazine for narrative drawing - 'Franz the Lonely Austrionaut' - together with other artists for 12 years. As an illustrator he has worked for Falter, Jacobin Magazine, Standard, Burgtheater Vienna and Residenztheater Munich, among others. He has been a member of the KABINETT comic passage team since 2023.