Discourse 12.12.23, 19:00 Entry: Free

Orte für verlorene Zeit

D.S. #42 mit Natascha Khakpour und Jan Niggemann


Places for lost time; story time with Gramsci for adults.
With Natascha Khakpour and Jan Niggemann.
His friends affectionately called him Nino. And some of those who accompanied him on his journey from the winding paths of Sardinian villages to the factories of Turin. Even in the prison library of the fascist dungeon, he read fairy tales that found their way there by chance alongside dime novels and old discarded classics. When food was scarce and the environment hostile, even small, cunning and beautiful stories helped Antonio Gramsci to provide himself and his absent family with hope and the art of survival. He had never forgotten how to fear and indulged in false fantasies of omnipotence.
The new arises from a different processing of the old, sometimes it takes faith and the will to try against all odds and one-sidedness with fantastic inventiveness. "The Hostel of the Hedgehogs" is one of many fairy tales with which we want to provide insights into Gramsci's thinking. He uses them to show how creativity and perseverance can learn to rely on each other, why criticism of faith need not destroy its strength and, finally, why hope can be the light in the dark horizon of the present that makes a way through recognisable.

New joint publication:
María do Mar Castro Varela, Natascha Khakpour, Jan Niggemann: Hegemonie bilden. Pädagogische Anschlüsse an Antonio Gramsci. Weinheim/Basel 2023 (Beltz Juventa Verlag)

Every first Wednesday of the month, debating.society presents a book that is dedicated to a critical and emancipatory debate on the prevailing conditions. Topics are taken up that are currently determining the daily political debate, but space is also created for topics that are not "trending" at the moment. Apart from the presentation of books, debating.society wants one thing above all: debate!

All previous events in the series are archived as audio files at: soundcloud.com/forumstadtpark/sets/debating-society-im-forum

D.S. #42 mit Natascha Khakpour und Jan Niggemann

About the authors

D.S. #42 mit Natascha Khakpour und Jan Niggemann

Short biographies

Jan Niggemann lives in Vienna and works as an educationalist and political adult educator, writing and researching on hegemony, education, class/classism, pedagogical authority, psychoanalysis and cultural studies. He works as a research associate at the Austrian Institute for Adult Education (OEIB).

Natascha Khakpour is Professor of School Pedagogy and General Didactics with a focus on Urban Diversity Education at the Vienna University of Teacher Education. She works on interdisciplinary approaches to the topics of differentially reflective teacher education, language(s), subject and educational relations as well as methodologies informed by social theory.