Workshop 06.07.24, 15:00 - 18:00 Entry: Free

The Resistance Quilt Project

Hall of Beef

The Resistance Quilt Project is an interactive community art project, based in Graz, Austria, that explores the question: what can we do, in our own lives and communities, to end femicide/ feminicide?

The project will take place throughout 2024 in the form of interactive exhibitions, workshops, events and the local monthly femicide demonstrations, before culminating in a final exhibition at Forum Stadtpark at the end of the year.

The physical outcome of the project will be a large-scale public quilt, constructed from the bed-sheet banners made to mark each femicide in Austria for the monthly demonstrations. The quilt will grow over the course of the year because, devastatingly, if this year follows the pattern of previous years, there will be approximately 2 femicides in Austria every month, besides several unsuccessful attempts.

Each of the bed-sheet femicide banners will be developed into a quilt piece by incorporating your ideas for what must change to stop these murders. Femicide is not inevitable, femicide is the result of patriarchal systems and social norms, which we, collectively, have the power to change.

The workshops invites everyone to be part of the project and the Resistance Quilt!

The following dates will be announced soon.

Instagram: @the_reistance_quilt_project

The Resistance Quilt Project

About the project

The Resistance Quilt Project

The Resistance Quilt Project | Ren Aldridge

The artist behind the project is Ren Aldridge, who has been awarded the Arbeitsstipendium der Bildende Kunst from Stadt Graz for this work. In 2022, Ren gave a TEDx talk about resistance to femicide and she is part of organising the local femicide demonstrations and a member of Grazer Frauenrat, F*Streik Graz and Kunstverein Roter Keil.