Discourse 11.05.24, 18:00 Entry: Free

Contesting the City

Save the River Mur

Hall of Beef

“Contesting the City” brings various urban initiatives together into dialogue about modes of resistance past and present: about stubbornly insisting on alternative forms of planning, development, uses, and futures for the city. In two evening events, we will talk about their motivations, strategies, and the challenges they face.

For the second event, we invite representatives from the platform “Save the River Mur” to look back on the broad mobilisation of the movement against the Mur power station. What can we learn from this movement for future mobilisation and coalition-building? What do the activists involved think about the Mur power station today, and its repercussions for the banks of the Mur? What remains from the mass social movement, and how did it change Graz?



Save the River Mur