The GIK - Grazer Impro Klub sees itself as a platform for the preservation, consolidation and cultivation of the musical practice of improvisation and genre-free musical experimentation. Spontaneously curated and moderated by Patrick Wurzwallner and populated with top-class guests, the GIK manifests a benevolent and, as far as possible, inclusive space for enabling a collective risk practice. Always on the last Monday of the month. Tell your friends, bring your instruments and be a part of the impro sensation!
Lain Iwakura (a.k.a. DeRayling, Ezili-i Sabbah, Bill B. Wintermute, DiVersion) is a political activist, writer/lecturer, DJ & sound-artist. Being active in the infamous “Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz” (Frankfurt/Main) for several years, this was her main place for organizing events, collective production of arts and theoretical discourse. She combined artists and activists with interests in queer-theory, critical theory, situationist international, etc. in a DIY environment under the slogan “theory, praxis, party”. When moving to Graz in 2019 she initialized the “O”-collective, consisting of IEM students and extra-academic DJs/artists, which organized several events since to provide a platform for IEM students, as well as bridging the gap between DIY punk/noise scene, rave and contemporary music. In her artistic work Lain Iwakura combines socio-philosophical questions with concept art, as well as studies in polytemporal-polyrhytmical structures and feedback-systems with techno-aesthetics. Together with Achim Szepanski she runs the labels mille plateaux and Force Inc. Music Works.